Okay. We have established that I am imperfect and far from faultless. That doesn't mean that I don't like to be right. Cuz' I do. Alot. A *foible* I have been working on for some time...
It brings me great pleasure to announce that I AM SO GLAD I AM WRONG :-) It seems we all jumped the gun on the kitten fiasco. Though said kittens were absent for a week and a half, we were overjoyed (umm...sort of, remember, those cute kittens become stray cats,) to have them turn up as cute as ever. At first, only the kitten that Grayce and Owen dubbed "Ellie" because she has the exact same markings as her mama, appeared. A few days later we spied the rest of them... 
Not eaten by snakes.
Not eaten by Rats.
Child Therapy averted! For now. I just have to figure out how to capture Ellen and the kitten bunch and take them to the vet so that they can't reproduce further...
Ellen is looking mighty fine these days on her diet of leftover meats and fish. She won't touch bread or CAT FOOD...and I think I fed her my lunch last week.
But she's not my cat. I don't even like cats. Really.
Did I mention that we currently have 6 toadlets?? And the kids want a giant snail? Add in the house geckos and the rat holes in our patch of green and it seems we are running a small zoo...
The Fischers Animal House
in India