Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Starting up our blog...

Ok, I finally get to post! Those of you who are familiar with my proclivity towards email and various online discussion groups (what my kids call "cuddling with the 'puter") will understand Bob's hesitation about this blog... But here we are. This week, after a many months long process, Bob signed his Target contract sending us all of to Bangalore, Karnataka, India. We will be moving around August 18th, 2007. With this blog we hope to keep all interested parties (and our families, whom we insist remain interested!) abreast of our lives and travels in India.

How does a family make the decision to pick up and move from one state, country, continent and multiple time zones into another? It starts slowly...a conversation mentioning an impending exploration of possibilities... many "what ifs?" and "why nots?" Talk of leaving behind friends and family. Talk of "once in a lifetime." Ideally, I think the decision is made, not all at once, but rather as a bit of choreography. In our case, we spent a whole lot of time on our front porch imagining a life we had never imagined!

At the moment, our remaining time in the U.S. is rushing by. So much to do. So much to think about. Packing. Selling. Storing. Saying Goodbye. Passports. Visas. A dozen *important* lists. Our children's needs. Our own needs. Our dog's needs! Finishing my job. Bob, doing his job. A garage sale. A going away party. A myriad other. We are grateful for the strength of our marriage, for the blessing of friendships, for an amazing opportunity to experience India and the world with the closeness of residency. In Bob's case, I know he is also excited to be working for Target learn more of how business happens in share his own knowledge of Target culture and process with his new co-workers...

We hope that some of you will visit us in Bangalore! In the mean time, give us a call, stop by, or otherwise connect with us... 38 days and counting.



Tami of BrooksGroth said...

Great to see this blog ... I will love to stay updated on your adventures!! Good luck with the move. Hugs, Tami

Gramma Rose said...

It's hard to see my loves go so far away, but I am proud of them and would do the same thing if it was presented to me! The one dog left behind will not suffer. I now sleep with two Vizslas.CJ I love reading your are a very talented writer!Four days and counting......