The Easter Jail..."why, why, why, won't they let us ouuuuttt?"

Ooo, ooo, I see one!

Release the Hounds... (er, easter egg hunters, that is)

Following the fab Easter Egg Hunt extravaganza hosted by fellow Target expats, Amber and Abhi Hedge, the Target Expat Children
made their parents go to the Taj West End for an Easter Champagne Brunch. We met up with at least 20 of the childless Target expats and their invited guests... but we fed the oversugared Easter Goblins, first!

Silly Grayce, Ella the Balloon Girl (aka our friend Ella) and Owen (I swear it's water!)

Owen, "Glitter Boy"

Our pal Caden... We're going to miss you! (Caden's expat assignment is coming to an end and he will be returning to Minnesota).

Kay-Kay and Zachie take a spin on the "merry-go-round" at the Taj Easter Brunch

Our Favorite Easter Girl!

Me, Tracy Murphy (of LoudAmericans fame) and Angela Miller (Caden's mommy and a WacMiller) sippin' a little of that champagne...

Another Minnesota expat friend...Zach... He's leaving India in June and we'll miss him, too!

Our friend Cody at the Taj Easter Brunch...he's probably being an Easter Power Ranger??
Hope you all had a Good Easter, too!
The Fischers in India
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