You're probably going to think I'm odd (because so far, it hasn't been obvious, right?) but you'll never understand the pleasures of the simple grilled cheese sandwich until you're in a place where the cheese is either incredibly bad or eye poppingly expensive and erratically available. Humor me. I'm a Little Insane. Ha-Ha. Really...

See that Cheddar...350 Rupees...$8.50 for a thin little block of it. Imported from the U.K. Missing for the past two months. "Here Only There Is The Cheese, Madame."

And Again... Cheese. Note that nice loaf of bread. Not Homemade. Things are looking up in the bread department here... Instead of sweet, squishy, yucky, preservative laden loaves; we can now get whole wheat and a pretty decent baguette. "Here Only At 1:30 pm, Madame. Come Tomorrow, Come Firstly!"
In between traveling, cursing traffic, procuring consumables (imported or otherwise), and bouncing from one unimagineable craziness to another, our days pretty much look something like this:

Grayce and Owen in our School Room...really an empty bedroom that we're trying to maintain a semblance of organized chaos in. Grayce is helping Owen to show off the Giant Letter "O" which he built from his "connectors" set. Which is a good thing, because, "Mama, I don't weally wike da alphabet...I can wead alweady...you wead to me all the time...I wanna be a Boxer." Yes, he is wearing a dress in the photograph... "My name is Jack, I'm a boy who wikes to weah dwesses!" (though sometimes, Grayce pretends he's her sister "Lucy" which he's pretty much okay with.) Unless it's "Owen, Amazing Supa Boy" Day... Gotta Love a Vivid Imagination :-)
A close up... featuring Owen's Famous Wink. Imagine that in your favorite college bar...Yikes!

Owen's "favowitest, eveh, eveh, eveh caw pwesent fwom my daddy!"

Diva Grayce practicing her Bollywood-Fairy-Princess-Curtain-Closing-Bow...
Some of our favorite "science projects" start in the kitchen...usually with cookies. Grayce LOVES to bake and Owen equally loves making a mess!
'Nuff Said... I bought "The King Arthur Flour Cookie Companion" off Amazon and had it couriered to Bangalore for an obscene amount of American Dollars on one of those days when Bangalore was just a little toooooo much of everything. We love cookies. Yes, we do.....
Oh Yeahhhh, Baby... That is my newly upgraded Toaster (i.e. ONLY) Oven... One of the feet melted off last week and today (after baking) the timer/on dial just fell off in my hand...ARRRRRGGGGHHHH. As Vimala would say..."very bad quality, madame!" How the Hell are we gonna bake those COOKIES?!?!?!? I have my priorities, ya know...

Once the cookies were baked and mommy was done having her broken-new-toaster-oven-seizure, the kids decided that it was time for a tea party... Afterall, it's officially "Friendship Day"...so, Tea and Cookies and Playtime with Friends.
The Fischers
We Blog About Cheese!
in Bangalore, India
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